Journal articles


  • Brown, C., Laland K. & Krause, J. (2011). Fish Cognition and Behaviour, 2nd Edition Wiley-Blackwell, Cambridge, UK.
  • Brown, C., Laland K. & Krause, J. (2006). Fish Cognition and Behaviour, Blackwell Publishing, Cambridge, UK.
  • Brown, C., Laland, K. & Krause J. (2003). Learning and Memory in Fishes: Why fish are smarter than you think. Blackwell Scientific, London. Special Edition on Learning in Fishes. Fish and Fisheries Volume 4 No.3 2003.

Book chapters

  • Brown, C & Wahltinez, S (2024) Animal Welfare. In: Behavioural Responses to a Changing World (Wong & Candolin Eds) Oxford Univerisity Press
  • Kamstra K, Van der Burg C, Quertermous H, Muncaster S, Todd E, Jasoni C, Brown, C & Gemmel N, (2024) Neuroendocrine regulation in sex-changing fishes In: (Norris & Lopez Eds) Hormones and Reproduction of Vertebrates, Volume 1, Second Edition. Elsevier.
  • Brown, C (2023) Fishes: From social learning to culture. In: The Oxford Handbook of Cultural Evolution. Oxford Univerisity Press
  • Watson, MJ, Doyle, KE & Brown, C (2022) . Crustaceans In: (Smith B, Waudby HP, Alberthsen CA, Hampton, JO Eds) Wildlife research in Australia: a practical guide. CSIRO Publishing: Melbourne, Australia.
  • Kadar, JP, Vila-Pouca, C, Perryman, R, Pini-Fitzsimmons, J, Chambers, S, Gervais, C & Brown C. (2022) Behaviour. In: S. Midway, C. Hasler, and P. Chakrabarty, editors. Methods for fish biology, 2nd edition. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland.
  • Vila-Pouca, C, Tosetto, L & Brown, C (2020) A fish memory tale: memory and recall in fish and sharks. In: Handbook of Animal Cognition
  • Sneddon L & Brown C (2019) Mental capacities of fishes. In: Neuroethics and Nonhuman Animals (LSM Johnson et al. eds), pp 53-71. Springer.
  • Brown, C., Wolfenden, D. & Sneddon, L. (2018). Goldfish (Carassius auratus). In: Companion Animal Care and Welfare: The UFAW Companion Animal Handbook pp 467-478.
  • Vila Pouca, C. & Brown, C. (2018). Fish – How to Ask Them the Right Questions. In: Field and Laboratory Methods in Animal Cognition: A Comparative Guide (N. Bueno-Guerra & F. Amici eds). Cambridge University Press pp 199-220.
  • Bibost, A-L, Kydd, E & Brown, C. (2013) The effect of sex and early environment on the lateralization of the rainbowfish Melanotaenia duboulayi. In: Behavioural Lateralization in Vertebrates: Two sides of a same coin. (Scermely, D. & Regolin, L. eds); pp. 9–24 Springer.
  • Brown, C. (2012) Experience and learning in changing environments. In: Behavioural Responses to a Changing World: Mechanisms and Consequences. (Candolin U & Wong BBM eds); pp. 46-60 Oxford University Press.
  • Brown, C. , Laland K. & Krause, J. (2011) Fish cognition and behaviour. In: Fish Cognition and Behaviour 2nd Edition (Brown, C., Laland K. & Krause, J. eds). Wiley- Blackwell Publishing, Cambridge, UK.
  • Brown, C. & Laland K. (2011) Social learning in fishes. In: Fish Cognition and Behaviour 2nd Edition (Brown, C., Laland K. & Krause, J. eds). Blackwell Publishing, Cambridge, UK.
  • Bisazza, A, & Brown, C. (2011) Laterality of Cognitive functions in fishes. In: Fish Cognition and Behaviour 2nd Edition (Brown, C., Laland K. & Krause, J. eds). Blackwell Publishing, Cambridge, UK.
  • Budaev, SV, & Brown, C. (2011) Personality traits and behaviour. In: Fish Cognition and Behaviour 2nd Edition (Brown, C., Laland K. & Krause, J. Eds). Blackwell Publishing, Cambridge, UK.
  • Brown, C. (2011). Experience and learning in changing environments. In: Behavioural Responses to a Changing World: Mechanisms and Consequences (B. Wong & U. Candolin eds) pp 46-62, Oxford University Press, UK.
  • Kelley, J. & Brown, C. (2011). Predation risk and decision making in poeciliid prey. In: Ecology and Evolution of Poeciliid Fishes. University of Chicago Press pp 174-184.