MRes students

Steph is working on the Queensland Shark Control data examining the distribution of bull sharks
Joni was working on social interactions of short-tail stingrays in Jervis Bay.
Julianna investigated activity patterns of Port Jackson sharks using accelerometry.
Sam was studying fish personality.
Lou was investigating the effects of microplastics on marine ecosystems (trophic transfer
and behavioural changes).
Evan was studying personality and cerebral lateralization in Port Jackson sharks.
Jenna was working on genetic and population structure of PJ sharks in Jervis Bay.
Michelle was studying the direct energetic costs of sexual harassment in feral guppies.
Eduardo investigated bird communities on the Central Coast of NSW.
Jasmina studied behavioural responses of grey-headed flying fox to temperature variability.
Renae studied platypus vision.
Eleanor was investigating guppy personalities, laterality and dispersal.
Heather worked on relatedness and social behaviour in grey headed flying foxes.
Diana studied cerebral lateralization in Australian parrots.
Krystle investigated the effects of introduced fish on native fish.
Steph worked on micro-habitat choice in grey-headed flying foxes.
Jennie studied the interactions between introduced redfin and Macquarie perch.
Suzzi investigated brain and behaviour of Australian rainbowfish.
Vince was working on social learning in mullaway.