PhD students

Loeva Loaven

Loeva is examining the impact of recreational fishing waste on marine ecology

Annabell Klinke

Annabell is studying how the loss of coral reef complexity and warming will affect cognition in coral reef fish

Shannon Kaiser

Shannon is investigating the impacts of fire retardants on frogs and tadpoles

Karl Moy

Karl is working on the conservation biology of endangered Australian fishes

Nicolette Armansin

Nicolette is using social network analyses to investigate disease transmission in sealions.

Emma Petrolo

Emma is identifying local adaptation and genetic connectivity in Galapogas shark populations.

Marion Dellinger

Marion is using different morphs of Icelandic Arctic Charr to examine the evolution of spatial cognition.

Former PhD students

Dr Nathan Bass

Nathan wass studying movement and migrations in Port Jackson sharks in Jervis Bay.

Dr Paolo Panizzon

Paolo was investigating the fitness impacts of laterality and personality on rainbowfish cognition.

Dr Flavia Berlinghieri

Flavia was manipulating hormones shaping laterality, personality and cognition in rainbowfish.

Dr Julianna Kadar

Julianna used accelerometers to investigate the fine-scale movements of Port Jackson sharks.

Dr Iestyn Penry-Williams

Iestyn studyied laterality and personality in wild and feral populations of guppies.

Dr Rob Perryman

Rob worked uses markings and telemetry to study the social behaviour of manta rays.

Dr Joni Pini-Fitzsimmons

Joni studyied the impacts of food provisioning on the behaviour of smooth stingrays.

Dr Amy Tims

Amy investigated vulnerability to extinction in Australian freshwater fishes using phylogenetics.

Dr Dennis Heinrich

Dennis worked on learning and memory in sharks and its impacts for the cage diving industry.

Dr Connor Gervais

Connor investigated physiology of developing PJ sharks response to elevated temperatures.

Dr Penelope Carbia

Penelope worked on spatial learning with gobies.

Dr Catarina Vila Pouca

Catarina investigated shark learning abilities.

Dr Lois Olton

Lois examined the impacts of stormwater contaminents on rainbowfish and shrimp.

Dr Erin Kydd

Erin worked on training for hatchery-reared fish.

Dr Gemma White

Gemma investigated spatial learning in intertidal gobies.

Dr Anne-Laurence Bibost

Anne worked on laterality in rainbowfish.

Dr David Wells

David studied brush turkey mating systems.

Dr Joanna Wiszniewski

Jo worked on social networks in dolphins.